Mason Komay reminds us that with proper guidelines we can tackle our weekdays like a champ.
Here is VIZI’s secret to creating the tomorrow you want:

52 Opportunities to start over; to be inspired; to create something new. Doesn’t that sound amazing? Think of all the remarkable things you can accomplish if you start your week with this mindset.
Tasks for Success:
- Get an early start. Try to be a little early on a Monday morning. You will be amazed at the difference it makes to your day.
- Wear something that compliments.
- Jam to your favourite music on your way to the office.
- Try doing something for someone else. A smile in return will help you stay positive for the day.
- Remember to SMILE.

You have made it halfway through the week. Depending on if you are a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty kind of person, reaching the middle of the week can either feel like bouldering a mountain or yet another stop on the bus to nowhere. But do not let that slow you down on working towards the goals you want to achieve for the remainder of the week.
Here is some inspiration on tackling your Wednesday dread:
- Change your look for the day
- Shake up your morning routine
- Do something meaningful before work
- Do a 10-minute exercise
Friday will be here before you know it.

It is FRIDAY, you may need to be as productive as you can for one more day. With a little focus and prioritizing, you can start your weekend stress-free.
Here is how to be a go-getter at the end of the week:
- Avoid extended lunch breaks
- Check off your to-do list
- Complete all your “big goals”
- Plan the week ahead
- Ask for help on a Friday, not Monday
Remember: “Make a Friday a day to celebrate work well done that you can be proud of knowing that you just didn’t put in time to the next pay check.” – Byron Pulsifer
If you remind yourself that every week brings new beginnings and you try and maintain a healthy “LIFE” balance, you will most definitely create the tomorrow you want.
What is your secret to staying motivated?